B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is Enrolled with Darpan offered by the NITI Aayog, Govt. of India.

UNIQUE ID: TS/2024/0436372

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is Registered Under MCA Govt. of India Govt Reg. No : U74999TG2022PTC168080

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is registered with the Trade Marks Registry, Intellectual Property (IP) India. TMA-A: No. 6479272

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is permitted by Directorate of Employment No. DGE-V-11014/4/2022-EE-I, Govt. of India.

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is registered under  MSME, Govt. of India. TS-02-0065676

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is a Registered under Govt. of India, NCT-New Delhi, Reg. No. 2022314729

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is accredited by ISO 9001:2015.
Company Reg. No. 0622Q130422.

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is accredited by ISO 21001:2018 Educational Organization Certified. Certificate No. QMS2100230

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is Registered with MYA&S Govt. Of India, Certificate No. 4472676224

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is registered with the NHRC Government of India, ID No. 3485555928

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is Registered under The Telangana State GST Number – 36BMYPM5024M1ZB

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is Registered under CVC, Government of India, ID No. 7288699939

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is  AICTE with Membership No. MI2022HY

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is Registered under 
NCS, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. Of India, ID: S17L60 – 1234489191704

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is Registered DOE&T Govt Of Andhra Pradesh. LR. No. J1/72191/07

B I E T Learning Systems Private Limited is Registered under the Department of
Labour Govt. of Telangana. Reg. No. SEA/HYD/ALO/03/0530573/2022